Also, please send a note to me via the Contact Me page to let me know who is using this program. Contributions let me know what programs are widely used, and helps me justify their development. STEP TWO: CONVERT DICOM DATA INTO AN STL FILE Open InVesalius and click on Import medical images Select the DICOM folder that contains all the images from the scan and press OK. I do ask that if you use and enjoy the use of this program, please consider making a contribution via PayPal, in the amount of your choosing. Please use the selector fields below to change the file type that you want to convert from and to.

You can use it for commercial or personal use. Use our free and fast online tool to instantly convert your ZIP files to STL files ready for download. This program is provided 'as-is', free of charge. This package also includes some STL files and the manual that describes its use. Loading the CSV files into V-Carve Pro will require the CSV Gadget it is also available (free) on this site under the 'Gadgets' tab. This package is a stand-alone executable program, so please do a virus check before running this program. It can convert to CSV files in a matter of seconds.

With the STL + Image Converter, you can do this with VCP, and see the final products with Vectric's famous previews. Normally, V-Carve Pro is restricted to 2D carvings, and 3D work is reserved for their 'flagship' product, Aspire. What good is that? Well, if you are using Vectric's V-Carve Pro (version 7 or greater) this allows you to read in 3D toolpaths that can be machined using CNC equipment. What is it? This program can load a standard STL file, or a Image file (JPG, BMP, PNG, TIF) and output a comma-separated values file (CSV) that contains a 3D toolpath that will trace the surface.